1UP Box [Sponsored Article]
Today we have something a little different: we're going to try sponsored content. From time to time, we'll feature some cool and interesting products which we think will interest you. The sponsorship revenue will help us keep the site running and help us deliver the very best Magic: the Gathering content. So with disclaimers out of the way, check out the 1Up Box:
- Monthly Subscription Box for Geeks and Gamers
- $40+ Value
- Guaranteed Exclusive T-Shirt
- 6–8 items for your collection
- $12.92 + $7 shipping, $3 off first month with coupon code AWESOME.
- Cancel at anytime
Sample Box (August, Speed theme)
If you're interested, but sure to check out the 1Up Box! Use our link to 1UpBox.com to let them know MTGGoldfish sent you!