Commander 2019: Mystic Intellect Commander Review
Commander 2019 officially releases on Friday which means it's time to break down the sweetest new cards from each deck in video form! Normally when a new set comes out we do top ten videos for different formats, and while it's possible a few cards from Commander 2019 sneak into Legacy or Vintage, since the set isn't legal in Standard or Modern, this time we are doing things a bit different: rather than talking about the impact of the set on various formats, we're breaking down the sweetest new cards from Commander 2019 on a deck by deck basis.
While the main focus are the new legends, and their potential outside of the precons themselves, some other spice new cards show up as well. Basically, all this week it's Tomer and Seth talking new Commander cards! Today it's Jeskai Flashback and the Mystic Intellect deck! Can they keep the videos to a reasonable length? Which cards are they most excited about? Let's get to the video and find out, then after the video make sure to check out the links to all of the other Commander 2019 content up on and the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel!
Want a more in-depth breakdown of the Mystic Intellect deck? Check out Tomer's $20 up article.
Want a overall breakdown and ranking of the Commander 2019 decks? Check out Seth's Ranking the Decks article.