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Full Art Lands Confirmed for BFZ Fat Packs

Trick Jarrett, Global Content and Community Manager, confirmed via Twitter today that the Battle For Zendikar Fat Pack will include full art basic lands!

So should you buy a Fat Pack? Remember, here are the contents of the Fat Pack:

  • Battle for Zendikar 15-card booster packs
  • 1 card box
  • Player's Guide with complete visual encyclopedia for Battle for Zendikar
  • 80-card basic land pack (full art basic lands, 16 of each color)
  • 1 learn-to-play insert
  • 1 Spindown Life Counter
  • 2 deck boxes

Typically, you can buy about 3 Fat Packs (~$30-$40) for the same price as one Booster Box (~$90-$120). Remember that there is a basic land slot in each Booster Pack and there is also the chance to open a foil land.

Booster Packs 3x Fat Pack 1x Booster Box
Full Art Lands 240 + 27 36
Number of Booster Packs 27 36
Number of Rares/Mythics 27 36
Chances At Foil full art Land 27 36

So you're pretty much trading off 9 Booster Packs of BFZ (36 in a Box vs 27 in 3x Fat Packs) in return for 240 guaranteed full art basic lands, along with the fat boxes and spindown. If you use a $3 booster price, you're basically paying just under $0.04 per full art land. Given that most stores sell commons for $0.10 - $0.25 a piece, that's a good rate. The Battle For Zendikar Fat Pack is definitely worth it if you want full art lands.

If you're thinking from an mtgfinance or monetary value perspective, the answer is not so clear. The original Zendikar full art lands are going for about $1, but don't expect these lands to be anywhere near that. People will buy BFZ into the ground so the full art lands should be pretty cheap. The real value will be in the foil full art lands, so getting more chances at a foil pull is much more valuable. For comparison, a Zendikar full art island is $1, the foil version is $18. Plus, the additional 9 booster packs gives you more chances at pulling other chase rares/mythics.


If you do want full art lands, the Fat Pack is an incredible deal. If you're indifferent, I would just do what you normally do when a new set comes out. Or you could just get the best of both worlds, ignore your wallet, and get a Booster Box + Fat Pack. You can currently pre-order Battle for Zendikar Fat Packs on eBay for $35. You can track the pre-order prices on our Battle for Zendikar Fat Pack and Battle for Zendikar Booster Box pages.


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