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Magic Arena Metagame, Collection, and Superbrew

Hi folks, Richard here again with another round of Magic Arena Updates for the website. Our latest update includes support for the Arena Metagame, My Collection, and Superbrew.

Arena "Metagame"

Popular Arena decks are now grouped and shown on the Metagame page. The popularity is based on our User Submitted decks, which currently reasonably represents the metagame (as shared by players on reddit and in our personal testing). This is a temporary page until Arena supports full Standard.

My Collection Arena 

There is now a separate tab in My Collection to hold your Arena cards. You can even include your Wildcards, listed as "Mythic Wildcard," "Rare Wildcard", etc. Unfortunately there is no quick way to export your collection from Magic Arena, so you will have to input your cards individually.

My Price Arena — Premium Members Only

There is now a "My Price (Arena)" tab on all decks. This will show the cost of the current deck based on your collection. There are two prices listed, one using your Wildcards and one excluding your Wildcards.

SuperBrew — Premium Members Only

You can now SuperBrew against your Arena collection. It will compare your collection against all decks in the Metagame to see what you can build. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even point it against the regular Standard Metagame to see what decks you can port over to Arena.

Our Moneyback Guarantee!

If you're interested in trying out some of the advanced features our Premium membership has to offer, you can rest assured that you're backed by our 30-day moneyback guarantee!

As always, leave any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports in the comments below or directly at

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