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Sphinx's Revelation #14: Storm's A-Comin'

Welcome back to this week's puzzle! For the solution to our last puzzle, The Promised End, click here to scroll to the bottom.

You've entered into a Legacy Open, and you're playing in Game 2 of Round 3. Sitting across from you is Earl, your opponent for this round. Things got off to a rough start as Earl opened the game with a Leyline of Sanctity and you're playing Storm. To make things even worse, Earl landed a turn two Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. It becomes apparent that you need to win immediately, as Death and Taxes waits for no one. You just started your first main phase. Defeat Earl before the end of your turn without losing!

The Puzzle

(click to enlarge)

Sphinx's Revelation 14: Storm's A-Comin'

Opponent: Earl

Earl is at 20 life and tapped out. On board he has:


You are at 20 life, and in your first main phase. On board you have:

the following cards in hand:

the following cards in your graveyard:

and the following relevant cards in your library:


Post any solutions you come up with in the comments section and be sure to check back soon for the next puzzle! Remember you can reach Jordan via Twitter, @adjunctmagician and email,

Sphinx's Revelation #13 Solution

  1. First Main Phase
  2. Combat Phase

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