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Secret Lair

Release Dates

Dec 2, 2019

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: SLD

Price History not Available
Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
262Heartless HidetsuguKamigawa Ink
Rare$ 7.61$ 0.274%$ 0.314%
262Heartless HidetsuguKamigawa InkFoil
Rare$ 7.43$ -0.10-1%$ 0.264%
260Kami of the Crescent MoonKamigawa Ink
Rare$ 16.26$ -0.020%$ -0.11-1%
260Kami of the Crescent MoonKamigawa InkFoil
Rare$ 17.88$ -0.11-1%$ 0.241%
259Michiko Konda, Truth SeekerKamigawa Ink
Rare$ 12.80$ 0.262%$ 0.595%
259Michiko Konda, Truth SeekerKamigawa InkFoil
Rare$ 13.63$ 0.000%$ 0.091%
263Reki, the History of KamigawaKamigawa Ink
Rare$ 12.99$ -0.040%$ -0.10-1%
263Reki, the History of KamigawaKamigawa InkFoil
Rare$ 13.53$ 0.191%$ 0.373%
261Toshiro UmezawaKamigawa Ink
Rare$ 6.00$ 0.000%$ 0.010%
261Toshiro UmezawaKamigawa InkFoil
Rare$ 6.08$ 0.081%$ 0.112%

Showing 10 Cards.

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