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Pro Tour Fate Reforged

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Format: Modern
Date: 2015-02-08

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st UR Antoni Del Moral Leon $ 1,181 628 tix Expand
2nd WURG Justin Cohen $ 556 370 tix Expand
3rd URG Jelger Wiegersma $ 1,122 561 tix Expand
4th WBG Jesse Hampton $ 1,956 1,083 tix Expand
5th WBG Eric Froehlich $ 2,180 1,309 tix Expand
6th WRG Seth Manfield $ 647 333 tix Expand
7th WBG Jacob Wilson $ 988 498 tix Expand
8th WRG Lee Shi Tian $ 585 285 tix Expand
- WRG Akash Naidu $ 434 204 tix Expand
- WUBRG Alex Majlaton $ 514 379 tix Expand
- UR Andrew Baeckstrom $ 1,114 574 tix Expand
- UG Andrew Cuneo $ 737 487 tix Expand
- UBRG Andrew Devine $ 531 321 tix Expand
- WBG Anthony Lee $ 1,890 1,072 tix Expand
- UR Antonio Del Moral Leon $ 1,158 605 tix Expand
- WR Ari Lax $ 621 323 tix Expand
- RG Atsushi Nakamura $ 613 405 tix Expand
- UG Austin Bursavich $ 720 468 tix Expand
- URG Bill Chronopoulos $ 551 379 tix Expand
- WBG Brandon Remley $ 2,088 1,105 tix Expand
- Blue Tron Brian Braun-duin $ 489 271 tix Expand
- WBG Brian Kibler $ 969 483 tix Expand
- WBG Carlo Falcis $ 1,620 773 tix Expand
- WBG Carlos Alexandre Dos Santos Esteves $ 1,826 1,059 tix Expand
- BG Carlos Cordero $ 2,077 1,156 tix Expand
- WRG Chapman Sim $ 622 316 tix Expand
- WRG Chris Fennell $ 652 340 tix Expand
- WBG Christian Calcano $ 2,103 1,166 tix Expand
- WU Christian Fehr $ 719 331 tix Expand
- WBG Craig Wescoe $ 1,473 725 tix Expand
- URG Daryl Ayers $ 814 347 tix Expand
- BRG David Gleicher $ 659 497 tix Expand
- Return of The Aristocrats David Heineman $ 497 274 tix Expand
- WBG David Ochoa $ 2,180 1,309 tix Expand
- WBRG David Yetka $ 2,174 1,117 tix Expand
- WBG Eric Froehlich $ 2,180 1,309 tix Expand
- WBG Fabien Li $ 2,089 1,167 tix Expand
- WBG Federico Del Basso $ 1,954 1,102 tix Expand
- WBG Filippo Kratter $ 2,167 1,121 tix Expand
- WUBR Frank Karsten $ 572 409 tix Expand
- UG Gaudenis Vidugiris $ 739 485 tix Expand
- WU Geoffrey Kirsch $ 381 164 tix Expand
- WUR Henry Romero $ 1,066 512 tix Expand
- WRG Huang Hao-shan $ 645 333 tix Expand
- WRG Jack Fogle $ 473 226 tix Expand
- WBG Jacob Wilson $ 988 498 tix Expand
- UG Jamie Parke $ 687 458 tix Expand
- WRG Jason Chung $ 625 316 tix Expand
- URG Jason Schousboe $ 1,883 871 tix Expand
- UG Javier Dominguez $ 1,508 755 tix Expand
- URG Jelger Wiegersma $ 1,103 545 tix Expand
- UBR Jeremy Payen $ 882 436 tix Expand
- WBG Jesse Hampton $ 1,956 1,083 tix Expand
- WBG Joey Manner $ 1,990 1,128 tix Expand
- UG Jon Finkel $ 612 414 tix Expand
- WBG Josh Mcclain $ 960 479 tix Expand
- UG Joshua Ravitz $ 686 458 tix Expand
- WURG Justin Cohen $ 556 370 tix Expand
- UBG Kar Yung Tom $ 741 485 tix Expand
- UR Kazoyuki Takimura $ 1,072 615 tix Expand
- URG Kevin Grove $ 564 347 tix Expand
- WRG Kim Sang-eun $ 635 330 tix Expand
- URG Larry Li $ 850 380 tix Expand
- WUBRG Lars Birch $ 1,595 761 tix Expand
- WRG Lee Shi Tian $ 585 285 tix Expand
- WBG Lucas Siow $ 1,952 1,079 tix Expand
- WBG Maciej Janik $ 2,045 1,115 tix Expand
- WURG Magnus Lantto $ 543 356 tix Expand
- WU Marco Lombardi $ 447 249 tix Expand
- W Martin Bisterfeld $ 351 222 tix Expand
- WB Martin Juza $ 603 344 tix Expand
- WBG Matej Zatlkaj $ 2,226 1,171 tix Expand
- WBG Matt Nass $ 2,200 1,317 tix Expand
- WBG Matt Severa $ 1,938 1,130 tix Expand
- WRG Michael Stenborg $ 637 327 tix Expand
- WB Mike Vasovski $ 630 463 tix Expand
- RG Mitchell Greenlee $ 590 441 tix Expand
- WBG Nathan Holiday $ 1,919 1,120 tix Expand
- WR Nathaniel Smith $ 321 117 tix Expand
- WRG Oleg Plisov $ 687 361 tix Expand
- UBR Olle Rade $ 605 371 tix Expand
- U Ondrej Strasky $ 360 140 tix Expand
- UG Orry Swift $ 694 424 tix Expand
- UG Owen Turtenwald $ 692 453 tix Expand
- BRG Park Jong-sun $ 1,849 1,076 tix Expand
- WBG Pascal Maynard $ 1,927 1,104 tix Expand
- Esper Delve Patrick Chapin $ 808 573 tix Expand
- WBG Paul Jackson $ 1,923 1,098 tix Expand
- WUBR Paul Rietzl $ 547 372 tix Expand
- UBR Pedro Carvalho $ 688 468 tix Expand
- WBG Pierre Dagen $ 1,876 998 tix Expand
- WBRG Raphael Levy $ 655 435 tix Expand
- Loam Pox Raphaël Lévy $ 655 435 tix Expand
- BRG Ray Tautic $ 567 273 tix Expand
- UG Reid Duke $ 787 513 tix Expand
- WUBR Roberto Esposito $ 584 421 tix Expand
- WRG Ross Merriam $ 632 316 tix Expand
- UR Royce Walter $ 567 318 tix Expand
- WURG Samuel Black $ 556 370 tix Expand
- UBR Sebastian Pozzo $ 627 437 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 126 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Spell Pierce (20) Blue Tron (-) , UG (-) , UG (-) , UG (-) , UG (-) , ...
Splinter Twin (10) UR (1st) , URG (3rd) , UBR (-) , UR (-) , UR (-) , ...
Sulfur Falls (9) UR (1st) , UBR (-) , UR (-) , UR (-) , UR (-) , ...
Mox Opal (8) UBR (-) , WUBR (-) , WUBR (-) , WUBRG (-) , UBR (-) , ...
Isolated Chapel (6) Return of The Aristocrats (-) , WB (-) , WBG (-) , WBG (-) , WBG (-) , ...
Talisman of Dominance (3) Blue Tron (-) , UBR (-) , UBR (-)
Bloodghast (3) Loam Pox (-) , WBRG (-) , BRG (-)
Faithless Looting (3) Loam Pox (-) , WBRG (-) , BRG (-)
Academy Ruins (1) Blue Tron (-)
Solemn Simulacrum (1) Blue Tron (-)
Underground River (1) UBR (-)
Glacial Fortress (1) WU (-)
Yavimaya Coast (1) WURG (-)
Twisted Abomination (1) BRG (-)
Grave Titan (1) UBR (-)
Hinterland Harbor (1) URG (-)
Gravecrawler (1) BRG (-)
Shivan Reef (1) UR (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 126
Total 100.00% 126

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 147 30%
2 Tarmogoyf 144 29%
3 Siege Rhino 135 29%
4 Lingering Souls 134 33%
5 Thoughtseize 134 33%
6 Abrupt Decay 130 29%
7 Path to Exile 130 37%
8 Liliana of the Veil 120 26%
9 Inquisition of Kozilek 110 28%
10 Noble Hierarch 104 21%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Tarmogoyf 144 29%
2 Siege Rhino 135 29%
3 Noble Hierarch 104 21%
4 Fulminator Mage 99 23%
5 Scavenging Ooze 87 26%
6 Goblin Guide 84 17%
7 Spellskite 81 31%
8 Monastery Swiftspear 80 16%
9 Eidolon of the Great Revel 76 15%
10 Tasigur, the Golden Fang 63 23%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 147 30%
2 Lingering Souls 134 33%
3 Thoughtseize 134 33%
4 Abrupt Decay 130 29%
5 Path to Exile 130 37%
6 Liliana of the Veil 120 26%
7 Inquisition of Kozilek 110 28%
8 Stony Silence 103 35%
9 Boros Charm 81 17%
10 Serum Visions 79 16%

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