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SCG Standard Open Richmond

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Format: Standard
Date: 2015-03-28

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Jeskai Heroic Joe Lossett $ 180 126 tix Expand
2nd Abzan Aggro HUNTER NANCE $ 446 262 tix Expand
3rd R/G Aggro Dan Jessup $ 316 255 tix Expand
4th G/R Monsters Chas Tanner $ 312 250 tix Expand
5th G/W Devotion David Fulk $ 331 196 tix Expand
6th Jeskai Tokens Alex Bianchi $ 313 178 tix Expand
7th Jeskai Aggro Noah Walker $ 356 208 tix Expand
8th R/G Aggro Trevor Bumgardner $ 238 196 tix Expand
9th R/G Aggro Ryan Macedo $ 151 104 tix Expand
10th Abzan Aggro Drew Cranfill $ 409 230 tix Expand
11th G/R Devotion Joseph Eckert $ 400 238 tix Expand
12th Jeskai Tokens Patrick Tierney $ 225 134 tix Expand
13th Ascendancy Combo Zach Jesse $ 164 102 tix Expand
14th G/W Devotion Scott Robins $ 376 228 tix Expand
15th Jeskai Aggro Derek Campbell $ 351 186 tix Expand
16th Mono-Red Aggro Sean Handy $ 148 135 tix Expand
17th G/W Aggro Michael Woolwine $ 319 218 tix Expand
18th G/R Aggro Zach Jeyakaran $ 214 141 tix Expand
19th Abzan Aggro Phil Pratt $ 422 248 tix Expand
20th R/G Aggro Ryan Grebe $ 197 171 tix Expand
21st Mono-Blue Devotion Evan Sheres $ 94 54 tix Expand
22nd Naya Midrange Joseph Scalco $ 380 199 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Red Aggro Benjamin Honaker $ 78 85 tix Expand
24th Abzan Aggro Tim Armstrong $ 438 243 tix Expand
25th U/B Control Jake Humphries $ 345 145 tix Expand
26th Mardu Midrange Cody Hatfield $ 332 182 tix Expand
27th Ascendancy Combo John Wiley $ 262 130 tix Expand
28th Abzan Aggro Trent Avera $ 369 208 tix Expand
29th Abzan Aggro Troy Bishop $ 370 198 tix Expand
30th Sultai Reanimator Benjamin Nikolich $ 276 144 tix Expand
31st U/B Control Ryan Rozanski $ 311 147 tix Expand
32nd Jeskai Aggro Austin Sweeney $ 336 177 tix Expand
33rd G/R Aggro chris urcinola $ 294 224 tix Expand
34th Abzan Aggro John Guttermath $ 363 208 tix Expand
35th Jeskai Heroic Zach Scales $ 168 103 tix Expand
36th G/R Aggro Joshua Hakim $ 344 254 tix Expand
37th G/R Aggro AJ Kerrigan $ 348 295 tix Expand
38th Abzan Aggro James Wohlmacher $ 382 221 tix Expand
39th Abzan Aggro Craig Rocco $ 375 240 tix Expand
40th G/R Devotion Jess Beasley $ 324 215 tix Expand
41st Jeskai Tokens Jarvis Yu $ 370 208 tix Expand
42nd Jeskai Aggro Harlan Firer $ 334 198 tix Expand
43rd Abzan Aggro Daniel Ward $ 458 295 tix Expand
44th Mono-Red Aggro AJ Lekan $ 143 131 tix Expand
45th Abzan Aggro Carlo Favretto $ 395 221 tix Expand
46th G/W Aggro Carter Newman $ 294 185 tix Expand
47th Mono-Red Aggro Andrew Hill $ 183 125 tix Expand
48th Jeskai Aggro Jeffrey Racan $ 275 139 tix Expand
49th Abzan Aggro Marsh Usary $ 393 220 tix Expand
50th W/U Heroic Corey Baker $ 190 136 tix Expand
51st Mardu Midrange Matthew Craven $ 418 212 tix Expand
52nd U/B Control Danh Tran $ 319 132 tix Expand
53rd G/R Aggro Matt Tumavitch $ 327 272 tix Expand
54th Jeskai Aggro Dylan Jeffrey $ 349 239 tix Expand
55th Abzan midragne Jonathan Sukenik $ 408 243 tix Expand
56th Jeskai Tokens Chris O'Bryant $ 389 211 tix Expand
57th G/W Devotion Ben Steiner $ 328 189 tix Expand
58th Mono Green Devotion Zachary Henderson $ 439 217 tix Expand
59th G/W Devotion Austin Yost $ 284 153 tix Expand
60th Abzan Midrange Kyle Shane $ 379 232 tix Expand
61st G/W Devotion Nicholas Bracken $ 346 195 tix Expand
62nd G/R Devotion Chuckie Davis $ 329 200 tix Expand
63rd Abzan Midrange Jonathan Wright $ 413 266 tix Expand
64th Jeskai Aggro Harry Bradford $ 366 209 tix Expand
Displaying all 64 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Lightning Strike (19) Jeskai Aggro (7th) , R/G Aggro (8th) , R/G Aggro (9th) , Jeskai Aggro (15th) , Mono-Red Aggro (16th) , ...
Caves of Koilos (16) Abzan Aggro (2nd) , Abzan Aggro (10th) , Abzan Aggro (19th) , Abzan Aggro (24th) , Abzan Aggro (28th) , ...
Temple of Silence (15) Abzan Aggro (2nd) , Abzan Aggro (10th) , Abzan Aggro (19th) , Abzan Aggro (24th) , Abzan Aggro (28th) , ...
Shivan Reef (12) Jeskai Tokens (6th) , Jeskai Aggro (7th) , Jeskai Tokens (12th) , Ascendancy Combo (13th) , Jeskai Aggro (15th) , ...
Temple of Epiphany (12) Jeskai Tokens (6th) , Jeskai Aggro (7th) , Jeskai Tokens (12th) , Jeskai Aggro (15th) , Ascendancy Combo (27th) , ...
Rugged Highlands (6) R/G Aggro (3rd) , G/R Monsters (4th) , G/R Aggro (33rd) , G/R Aggro (37th) , G/R Devotion (40th) , ...
Blossoming Sands (3) G/W Devotion (5th) , G/W Devotion (14th) , G/W Devotion (57th)
Dismal Backwater (3) U/B Control (25th) , U/B Control (31st) , U/B Control (52nd)
Temple of Deceit (3) U/B Control (25th) , U/B Control (31st) , U/B Control (52nd)
Evolving Wilds (3) Mardu Midrange (26th) , G/R Aggro (33rd) , U/B Control (52nd)
Yavimaya Coast (2) Ascendancy Combo (13th) , Sultai Reanimator (30th)
Frontier Bivouac (1) Ascendancy Combo (13th)
Reality Shift (1) Mono-Blue Devotion (21st)
Explosive Vegetation (1) Naya Midrange (22nd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 64
Total 100.00% 64

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Stoke the Flames 83 33%
2 Goblin Rabblemaster 77 31%
3 Elvish Mystic 68 27%
4 Fleecemane Lion 68 28%
5 Wild Slash 64 30%
6 Siege Rhino 60 23%
7 Hero's Downfall 59 30%
8 Lightning Strike 58 28%
9 Courser of Kruphix 50 20%
10 Sylvan Caryatid 47 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Goblin Rabblemaster 77 31%
2 Elvish Mystic 68 27%
3 Fleecemane Lion 68 28%
4 Siege Rhino 60 23%
5 Courser of Kruphix 50 20%
6 Sylvan Caryatid 47 19%
7 Rakshasa Deathdealer 45 19%
8 Whisperwood Elemental 43 19%
9 Anafenza, the Foremost 42 19%
10 Soulfire Grand Master 42 20%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Stoke the Flames 83 33%
2 Wild Slash 64 30%
3 Hero's Downfall 59 30%
4 Lightning Strike 58 28%
5 Valorous Stance 44 33%
6 Dromoka's Command 43 23%
7 Roast 41 30%
8 Hordeling Outburst 38 16%
9 Thoughtseize 38 20%
10 Drown in Sorrow 37 22%

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