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Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir

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Format: Standard
Date: 2015-04-11

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st RG Martin Dang $ 264 234 tix Expand
2nd UB Shota Yasooka $ 282 129 tix Expand
4th Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir Adrian Sullivan $ 354 176 tix Expand
4th Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir Ondrej Strasky $ 418 222 tix Expand
8th WUB Andrew Ohlschwager $ 414 243 tix Expand
8th RG Jason Chung $ 296 190 tix Expand
8th WBG Marco Cammilluzzi $ 432 274 tix Expand
8th RG Thomas Hendriks $ 401 198 tix Expand
9 - 1 WBG Brad Nelson $ 361 251 tix Expand
9 - 1 WBG Chester Swords $ 419 264 tix Expand
9 - 1 WUB Josh Utter-leyton $ 454 287 tix Expand
8 - 1 WRG Joey Manner $ 403 232 tix Expand
8 - 2 WBG Austin Bursavich $ 351 243 tix Expand
8 - 2 WG Bram Snapvangers $ 223 146 tix Expand
8 - 2 R Christiano Christo $ 165 118 tix Expand
8 - 2 WUG Craig Wescoe $ 438 357 tix Expand
8 - 2 WUB Guillaume Wafo-tapa $ 409 242 tix Expand
8 - 2 WBG Kenji Tsumura $ 443 283 tix Expand
8 - 2 RG Maciej Janik $ 376 225 tix Expand
8 - 2 WBG Ori Horev $ 400 270 tix Expand
8 - 2 WUB Paul Cheon $ 433 278 tix Expand
8 - 2 WUB Paulo Vitor Damo Da Rosa $ 454 287 tix Expand
8 - 2 RG Sam Black $ 298 174 tix Expand
7 - 2 UB Andrew Brown $ 359 176 tix Expand
7 - 2 WU Andrew Cuneo $ 273 204 tix Expand
7 - 2 WBG Christopher Virula Martinez $ 381 233 tix Expand
7 - 2 RG Thomas Hendricks $ 401 198 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Adam Snook $ 414 271 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Alessandro La Porta $ 364 161 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUB Andrew Davis $ 488 264 tix Expand
7 - 3 UB Armando Bulnes $ 338 155 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Bernhard Lehner $ 272 238 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Chris Andersen $ 461 266 tix Expand
7 - 3 UBG Dan Lanthier $ 370 205 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Dmitry Balakin $ 365 238 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Fabrizio Anteri $ 401 200 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUG Jamie Archdekin $ 264 182 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUG Jay Lansdaal $ 258 174 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Joel Larsson $ 337 192 tix Expand
7 - 3 R Kim Sang-eun $ 139 121 tix Expand
7 - 3 BR Levi Basham $ 415 196 tix Expand
7 - 3 UB Masashi Oiso $ 343 153 tix Expand
7 - 3 R Matej Zatlkaj $ 102 95 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Matthew Little $ 296 190 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUB Miodrag Kitanovic $ 362 227 tix Expand
7 - 3 R Park Jun Young $ 139 121 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Paul Rietzl $ 411 249 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUR Peter Semenov $ 239 141 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Petr Sochurek $ 400 221 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Robert Graves $ 460 266 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Robert Maher $ 292 169 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Ryan Bemrose $ 526 338 tix Expand
7 - 3 RG Soh Weng Heng $ 256 176 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Timothy Wu $ 426 273 tix Expand
7 - 3 WRG Tyler Blum $ 367 221 tix Expand
7 - 3 WUR Yudai Yamagami $ 376 203 tix Expand
7 - 3 WBG Zaya Belova $ 396 256 tix Expand
6 - 2 WG Nathan Holiday $ 357 228 tix Expand
6 - 3 WBG Andrea Mengucci $ 432 274 tix Expand
6 - 3 UB Carlos Moral $ 361 162 tix Expand
6 - 3 WRG Devon O'donnell $ 386 224 tix Expand
6 - 3 WU Juan Carlos Botis $ 305 178 tix Expand
6 - 3 UB Lars Dam $ 353 163 tix Expand
6 - 3 RG Maximilien Berger $ 394 262 tix Expand
6 - 3 WG Pat Cox $ 324 300 tix Expand
6 - 3 WBG Pierre Sommen $ 426 251 tix Expand
6 - 3 WBRG Seth Manfield $ 406 232 tix Expand
6 - 3 WBG Theo Jolivet $ 426 251 tix Expand
6 - 3 UBRG Willy Edel $ 389 256 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUB Alessandro Portaro $ 356 222 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUR Alex Sittner $ 372 156 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Andrew Skorik $ 287 171 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Andrew Tenjum $ 461 266 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Anthony Zinni $ 375 225 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Chapman Sim $ 255 176 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Christian Picchi $ 360 160 tix Expand
6 - 4 UBG Cliff Chen $ 346 191 tix Expand
6 - 4 BG Dominik Konieczny $ 388 223 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Durval Abilio $ 268 185 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Eduardo Sajgalik $ 284 209 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUR Eric Froehlich $ 390 232 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Gaudenis Vidugiris $ 262 238 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Gerardo Bruno $ 314 206 tix Expand
6 - 4 WBG Joseph Sclauzero $ 432 298 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUR Julian Wildes $ 341 160 tix Expand
6 - 4 R Kazuaki Fujimura $ 71 30 tix Expand
6 - 4 WBG Kazuyuki Takimura $ 422 301 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUR Ken Yukuhiro $ 290 182 tix Expand
6 - 4 WBG Kevin Demange $ 426 251 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Klaas Gruber $ 178 126 tix Expand
6 - 4 UB Kyle Boggemes $ 335 162 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Lukas Parson $ 330 194 tix Expand
6 - 4 BG Makihito Mihara $ 368 223 tix Expand
6 - 4 WG Marcio Carvalho $ 323 159 tix Expand
6 - 4 RG Martin Müller $ 264 234 tix Expand
6 - 4 UB Matt Severa $ 347 172 tix Expand
6 - 4 WBG Michal Guldan $ 410 234 tix Expand
6 - 4 R Mike Hantz $ 95 100 tix Expand
6 - 4 WUR Patrick Dickmann $ 373 247 tix Expand
6 - 4 WURG Piotr Glogowski $ 191 152 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 117 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Caves of Koilos (32) WBG (8th) , WBG (9 - 1) , WBG (9 - 1) , WUB (9 - 1) , WBG (8 - 2) , ...
Temple of Silence (30) WBG (8th) , WUB (8th) , WBG (9 - 1) , WBG (9 - 1) , WBG (8 - 2) , ...
Lightning Strike (22) RG (1st) , R (8 - 2) , WRG (7 - 3) , R (7 - 3) , RG (7 - 3) , ...
Temple of Deceit (18) Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir (4th) , UB (2nd) , WUB (8th) , WUB (9 - 1) , WUB (8 - 2) , ...
Dismal Backwater (17) Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir (4th) , UB (2nd) , WUB (8th) , WUB (9 - 1) , WUB (8 - 2) , ...
Rugged Highlands (11) RG (8th) , RG (8 - 2) , RG (8 - 2) , RG (7 - 3) , RG (7 - 3) , ...
Shivan Reef (11) WUR (7 - 3) , WUR (7 - 3) , WUR (6 - 4) , WUR (6 - 4) , WURG (6 - 4) , ...
Temple of Epiphany (10) WUR (7 - 3) , WUR (7 - 3) , WUR (6 - 4) , WUR (6 - 4) , WUR (6 - 4) , ...
Yavimaya Coast (7) WUG (8 - 2) , UBG (7 - 3) , UBRG (6 - 3) , UBG (6 - 4) , UBG (6 - 4) , ...
Blossoming Sands (4) WG (6 - 2) , WG (6 - 3) , WG (6 - 4) , WG (6 - 4)
Frontier Bivouac (3) UBRG (6 - 3) , WURG (6 - 4) , WUBRG (6 - 4)
Tranquil Cove (2) WU (7 - 2) , WU (6 - 3)
Bloodfell Caves (2) BR (7 - 3) , BR (6 - 4)
Evolving Wilds (1) UB (7 - 2)
Swiftwater Cliffs (1) WUR (6 - 4)
Jungle Hollow (1) BG (6 - 4)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 117
Total 100.00% 117

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Hero's Downfall 184 44%
2 Courser of Kruphix 174 38%
3 Sylvan Caryatid 143 32%
4 Elvish Mystic 128 27%
5 Thoughtseize 116 33%
6 Drown in Sorrow 113 39%
7 Siege Rhino 108 23%
8 Stoke the Flames 100 21%
9 Wild Slash 98 24%
10 Bile Blight 90 32%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Courser of Kruphix 174 38%
2 Sylvan Caryatid 143 32%
3 Elvish Mystic 128 27%
4 Siege Rhino 108 23%
5 Thunderbreak Regent 80 17%
6 Goblin Rabblemaster 73 18%
7 Whisperwood Elemental 69 17%
8 Fleecemane Lion 68 15%
9 Monastery Swiftspear 63 14%
10 Stormbreath Dragon 59 15%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Hero's Downfall 184 44%
2 Thoughtseize 116 33%
3 Drown in Sorrow 113 39%
4 Stoke the Flames 100 21%
5 Wild Slash 98 24%
6 Bile Blight 90 32%
7 Dig Through Time 88 21%
8 Abzan Charm 82 22%
9 Anticipate 78 21%
10 Ultimate Price 78 38%

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