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SCG Standard Open Dallas-Fort Worth

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Format: Standard
Date: 2015-05-16

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st G/R Dragons Nathan Fabilenia $ 313 179 tix Expand
2nd Abzan Control Jon Lim $ 439 261 tix Expand
3rd Abzan Aggro Gabe Joglar $ 353 194 tix Expand
4th Atarka Red Nathan Zamora $ 258 180 tix Expand
5th Mardu Dragons Michael Villavicenci $ 354 180 tix Expand
6th G/W Megamorph Jonathan Berg $ 376 192 tix Expand
7th Esper Dragons Sam Berkenbile $ 474 228 tix Expand
8th Mono-Red Aggro Drew Iafrate $ 104 49 tix Expand
9th Abzan Aggro Edward Eng $ 370 223 tix Expand
10th U/B Control Nick Schoolcraft-McCuen $ 333 140 tix Expand
11th Mardu Dragons Clifton Beech $ 395 202 tix Expand
12th Mardu Dragons Josh Crowe $ 388 194 tix Expand
13th Abzan Megamorph Nathan Waxer $ 455 303 tix Expand
14th Abzan Megamorph Richard Shade $ 383 223 tix Expand
15th Bant Heroic Logan Mize $ 235 110 tix Expand
16th G/B Constellation Erick Ramirez $ 291 175 tix Expand
17th Atarka Red Jay Bennett $ 227 122 tix Expand
18th Temur Dragons Isaac Rembert $ 241 126 tix Expand
19th Abzan Control Aaron Alldredge $ 421 247 tix Expand
20th Atarka Red Kevin Nardo $ 257 181 tix Expand
21st G/R Devotion Ian Jasheway $ 340 188 tix Expand
22nd Abzan Aggro Gerry Thompson $ 368 242 tix Expand
23rd Abzan Control Mickey Humphries $ 431 260 tix Expand
24th G/R Dragons Conor Jacob $ 330 204 tix Expand
25th Naya Devotion Tyrel Smallen $ 421 201 tix Expand
26th Esper Dragons Shawn Broussard $ 479 230 tix Expand
27th Esper Dragons Jonathan Moore $ 404 172 tix Expand
28th Abzan Midrange Joseph MacGillivray $ 483 285 tix Expand
29th U/B Dragons Eric Jui $ 283 99 tix Expand
30th Atarka Red Wesley Blanchard $ 244 173 tix Expand
31st Mardu Dragons Tuan Doan $ 311 160 tix Expand
32nd Mardu Dragons Dylan Lerch $ 367 199 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Caves of Koilos (15) Abzan Control (2nd) , Abzan Aggro (3rd) , Mardu Dragons (5th) , Esper Dragons (7th) , Abzan Aggro (9th) , ...
Temple of Silence (14) Abzan Control (2nd) , Abzan Aggro (3rd) , Mardu Dragons (5th) , Abzan Aggro (9th) , Mardu Dragons (11th) , ...
Lightning Strike (5) Atarka Red (4th) , Mono-Red Aggro (8th) , Atarka Red (17th) , Atarka Red (20th) , Atarka Red (30th)
Dismal Backwater (5) Esper Dragons (7th) , U/B Control (10th) , Esper Dragons (26th) , Esper Dragons (27th) , U/B Dragons (29th)
Temple of Deceit (5) Esper Dragons (7th) , U/B Control (10th) , Esper Dragons (26th) , Esper Dragons (27th) , U/B Dragons (29th)
Rugged Highlands (2) G/R Dragons (1st) , G/R Dragons (24th)
Blossoming Sands (2) G/W Megamorph (6th) , Abzan Megamorph (14th)
Jungle Hollow (1) G/B Constellation (16th)
Frontier Bivouac (1) Temur Dragons (18th)
Shivan Reef (1) Temur Dragons (18th)
Yavimaya Coast (1) Temur Dragons (18th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 32
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 49 50%
2 Courser of Kruphix 43 34%
3 Hero's Downfall 40 47%
4 Fleecemane Lion 39 31%
5 Stormbreath Dragon 32 25%
6 Thunderbreak Regent 32 25%
7 Siege Rhino 31 25%
8 Drown in Sorrow 30 38%
9 Abzan Charm 30 25%
10 Draconic Roar 29 25%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Courser of Kruphix 43 34%
2 Fleecemane Lion 39 31%
3 Stormbreath Dragon 32 25%
4 Thunderbreak Regent 32 25%
5 Siege Rhino 31 25%
6 Elvish Mystic 28 22%
7 Den Protector 26 25%
8 Goblin Rabblemaster 23 25%
9 Foundry Street Denizen 20 16%
10 Monastery Swiftspear 20 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 49 50%
2 Hero's Downfall 40 47%
3 Drown in Sorrow 30 38%
4 Abzan Charm 30 25%
5 Draconic Roar 29 25%
6 Self-Inflicted Wound 25 34%
7 Bile Blight 25 34%
8 Dromoka's Command 25 34%
9 Foul-Tongue Invocation 24 31%
10 Anger of the Gods 23 22%

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